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EGO SATISFIED (The Trydentiums Way):
-That S.O.B.! Everyone seems to be challenging me lately. That guy is not getting away with this. F him!
The light was still green. I bolted ahead cutting in front of other cars as they honked. In and out, I dashed and weaved between cars, through the intersection.
-There he is!
I could see him in that crappy little beat down truck.
The light turned yellow ahead. A surge of adrenaline hit me as I sped up to beat the light.
-Move damn it!
All I could see was that guys grin.
Furious, I honked at the slower person in front of me causing them to swerve, nearly hitting the other person in the next lane.
Oblivious to others around me, I accelerated ahead. I got closer and honked at him.

-That’s him! I could see him looking back.
I looked directly in his eyes through his rear view mirror.
My anger grew even more. I pulled up to the side of him. With my window down, I cussed and flipped him off. I waived, motioning him to pull over.
He acted like he did not know why I was prompting him to pull over. I purposely swerved into his lane as if I was going to hit him.
It was easy to see he was frightened. He probably pissed his self. He slowed, almost to a stop and quickly turned right. I tried to turn back but couldn’t. The other drivers honked at me.
Although still fuming, that look off fear on his face said it all. It was good enough for me.
-That will teach him. Screw him!
I continued ahead and drove away, home.
Is this how the path really ended, or was there another reaction on that day? Let’s click arrow below to hop over past the middle column (to the far right, top) to see if another pathway was chosen …The Lytenial Way.
PATH OF A DIFFERANCE MAKER: How, would you ... handle the below?
Welcome to another day. Weather plans made or just winging it, all of us hate when things get in our way or personally infringe upon us. There is an emotional, mental and spiritual pathway of effects at play when this happens.
-A pathway?
Indeed. Let’s follow the ARROWS below and journey down this middle column, through this pathway together towards the fork ahead …
⇓ ⇓

-What did they just say to me?
With a single word, someone can change our mood and the course of our entire day for the worst. And, this typically begins with the ones closest to us, all before stepping a foot out of the front door. Our plan and day has already been compromised.
-Now, I’m adding an- it, to that prior damn … DAMN IT!
As we know, in that moment, an internal struggle ignites. Initially, in most cases, the Trydentium or negative / wrong, ego (represented by the logo on the left side column) in us reacts first. And boy is it quick to. That is, if we let it.
After a brief pause (and deep breath), the Lytenials, or positive/right spirit (represented by the logo on the right side column) within us will always utter another way. If, we stop and listen.
We always intend to do what’s right. Most of the time we fall short. I know I sure do.
Our different beliefs, mindsets and frequencies can easily put us on the defense toward one another, even within our families.
This ever changing and sometimes harsh world around us seems to push us to be critical on each other, more then ever. Even with the little things.
-I’m not getting pushed around anymore! They obviously think I’m weak or something …
Controlling these thoughts and mixed feelings is a daily battle which seems almost impossible to win.
-What’s this? A voice …
It’s that nudge within. Our spirit utters a reminder, we can win this battle of emotions. Turning to our spirit-man enables us to go on the offensive, re-directing these feelings for the good.
Who said we have to be like the norm of all the negative around us?
The lessons of yesterday and past has been completed. A new day has arrived to either be the same or to be different.
Weather with the ones closest to us, a co-worker or anyone who has done us wrong, or even if we’ve done wrong.
In any negative situation- it’s never to late to be what we were always meant to be. We can be that difference others need.

-I can’t believe they did that to me! They messed with me for the las time!
Here we are at the fork of emotions. Now, a choice. One path is easy, the other a difficult one. Oh, how easy it is to take the path of retaliation.
We all know how hard it is to choose and find the right path in a clouded world full of negative.
However, were not alone. Along this path of right, we will always find others along the way trying to find this right path just like you.
In fact, your here right now at this fork with the very person who has done you wrong.
Although, they meant to do right, they fell short and chose the wrong way that day. You however, chose to press forward through all the haze, down the path of positive.
And, a positive will always reflect a light, to be the difference maker in ones day and even in their life.
↓ Now, let’s see an example of the impact of this and the difference either way of how most of us would initially react. ↓
Check out the response with the situation below to find out which decision was actually chosen in the end, with this latest edition of:
-Today, I’m going to touch on a scenario that actually happened to me, which hits home to almost all of us daily. Would you, handle the below … This way? Or, That way?
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… I was excited. My shift has ended and it was a perfect Friday evening. In spite off a stressful day at work, I was not going to let it effect my weekend. I clocked out and did not look back. I headed to my car and boy, I could not get home soon enough.
Gah! This traffic. Typical rush hour as I headed down the freeway. Finally, there’s my exit up ahead. The off-ramp exit was backed up due to having to merge with the service road traffic to the right.
Slow going, frustration began to set in as I exited and noticed the light ahead turned red. My turn was the next street. It seemed almost impossible to get over to the far right.
The traffic light turned green for what seemed like a few seconds. After a few failed attempts to merge into the first lane, a young man in a truck slowed to a stop to allow me in.
He looked right at me with a slight nod. I smiled and raised my hand in appreciation.
The moment I tried to merge, he accelerated forward and blocked me. Confused, I looked at him. He grinned. He turned away and looked forward.
I sat there in disbelief and complete shock. I stared at him as he waited directly in front of me for the light to turn green.
My blood began to boil by the second.
The light turned green. He drove ahead, through the intersection …
-What in the beep just happened?
Could this be my initial reaction and response on the left side column (top).
Howwould youhave responded? (Click arrow below to jump to the top left side top column to find out, the Trydentium way …. )

SPIRIT CHECKED (The Lytenials Way):
That little punk! initially, I accelerated after him through traffic as others honked at me.
-A cop!
I quickly slowed behind a car and noticed the cop turned right in my rear view mirror.
-Hurry! Go go!
I sped ahead. Oh, I wanted to give him a piece of me. I wanted to catch him bad.
-No dammit!
The light turned red.
Forced to a stop. I sat there fuming. I was not about to sit through another light. I looked to the left, then to the right. I’m running this damn red light.
-Wait! What the hell am I doing here?
Like a fist to the gut, something nudged me inside. Suddenly, I realized, it was I who was the crazy person in that moment.

-I’m not sure what just came over me here. This way is not me.
I looked forward to the light, ahead. It turned green. After a deep sigh, I did not move. I could see where this way was headed.
-Nah, I’m good. I’m handling this another way.
I watched him drive away. And, so did I.
I drove away, home.
-It’s clear their having a very bad day. Yeah, I got mad for a moment. I realized though, that’s just what it was, a moment. I paused, and it was gone.
In the life game of chess, that guy kicked my butt in that moment.
On that day, the way of the Trydentium got the best of me. I chose the easy path of retaliation, initially.
Like some crazy person, I did bolt after him, determined to catch him. Not for a physical altercation. I did however want to let him know how I felt.
Even though it took a cop and a red light, I’m grateful I was able to pause, re-think and listened within.
I knew what was at the end of that pathway. I knew to turn around and let it go. As bad as I wanted to catch up with that guy, I also knew there would have been nothing but regret and negative to come from it.
Who knows what was going on in his life on that day.
After a deeper thought, I realized he was not targeting me personally. It’s clear he was wanting some sort or reaction from anyone.
Whatever the case, to make it harder for either one of us was not worth it.
I turned back around, towards the positive route I was meant to travel. In the end, to my surprise, I chose the way of the Lytenials.
I learned from this, to be the difference now, and for the next time.
-“I’m not falling for these same old ways anymore. Now, I can see the bumps on this road. I’m going to show those around me watching, this difference in me. I needed to be better. On this day, I was. My light within shined.” –The Difference Maker- Me.
*Many already know the message portrayed here. Hearing it again can sometimes spark something more. I know it did in myself writing it. We will all fall short at times, more then we’d like to admit. This is not a reminder that we fail. It’s a calling to ignite the light within, and to overcome them together when we do.
Stay the path, -Marcus John
*Check back soon for other updated real life scenarios as we learn to be the difference to our families and to others each day. Also, join our podcast show- Voice in The Wilderness (Check our home page for details, or subscribe for updates here ).